
Pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team swablu
Pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team swablu

you just have to have the item in your inventory when you are in the dungeon. (If a mission says "near" xxx, you dont actually have to do anything on that floor. Visit the bulletin board and grab all of the missions off the board, and then do two Tiny Woods missions. Keep in mind the specific order in which moves are linked, as it does make a difference, for instance, if you use Tail Whip+Tackle and you KO the enemy in front of you, Bubble (a ranged attack) can attack the enemy behind the one you KO'd in the same turn, thus saving PP and time. Visit Gulpin and link Tail Whip+Tackle together for Skitty and link Tail Whip+Tackle+Bubble (if Squirtle is not level 7, just link Tail Whip+Tackle for now, you will need to come back to link Bubble later) for Squirtle. And, if possible, try to ensure that Squirtle makes it to level 7 before the end of the dungeon. After this dungeon is complete, head directly to Thunderwave Cave and complete it as quickly as possible. After this, complete the dungeon as quickly as possible - do not go out of your way to pick up money or items. Once you begin the first dungeon, set Tackle on Skitty, switch off Tail Whip on Squirtle, set Squirtle's AI to include Dedicated Traveler and Exclusive Move-User, and set the game speed to fast. Yellow responses are okay if there are no green responses. Green responses are what you always go for. You need a Hasty nature as well as a female gender. When you start the game, answer the quiz questions appropriately to get a Skitty.

Pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team swablu